MPGA Mission Statement

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The mission of the Michigan Propane Gas Association (MPGA) is to promote the proper handling and use of propane, to work for favorable environment for propane distribution and marketing, and to increase its application by demonstrating propane's value as a clean energy source.

The MPGA is a trade and membership service organization that represents propane marketers throughout the state. Founded on April 3, 1947, the MPGA has grown in its influence, while maintaining its core principles of education and safety. The MPGA's primary purpose is to maintain high standards of practice within the industry and, in so doing, protect and expand the ability of its members to compete in the marketplace. The MPGA is dedicated to the betterment of the propane industry and to the customers it serves in Michigan. Since its inception, the MPGA has been supported by its many volunteers who dedicate their time for the betterment of the industry.